An amazingly sounding Swedish choir: Kammarkören Svenska Röster / Swedish Voices Chamber Choir The Swedish Choral Miracle is a well-known expression in the world of choral music, ever since the book by Richard Sparks was published. These CDs nosag records now present contains an example of this "miracle": The Chamber Choir "Svenska Röster" (Swedish Voices), formed in 1988 by conductor Bo Aurehl who for many years worked in the famous Swedish music school Adolf Fredrik. When his students from the Children´s Choir, and from the Boys Choir grew up, he managed to gather the best of them and started this Swedish Voices Chamber Choir in 1988. nosag records is proud to present this amazing ensemble of euphonia: On this CD "TRETTONDAGSKONSERT" the choir presents Christmas songs often sung in Sweden. The program is a mix of music by composers like Reger, Palestrina, Kirkpatrick, Hassler, Rachmaninov and Swedes Köhler, Nordqvist, Hillerud as well as Swedish folklore tunes. The Chamber Choir "Svenska Röster" (Swedish Voices) Bo Aurehl, conductor ![]() Melody from Wales: Deck the Hall Order CDs directly from nosag: Our Full Catalogue Listen to all nosag CDs on the air: |
1. Bereden väg för Herran (Choral hymn from Boda) | 2´26 |
2. Verbum caro factum est (Hans Leo Hassler) | 2´05 |
3. Away in a Manger (W C Kirkpatrick) | 2´19 |
4. Deck the Hall (Melody from Wales) | 1´20 |
5. Still, still, still (Melody from Salzkammergut) | 1´56 |
6. Leise rieselt der Schnee (Melody from Germany) | 1´36 |
7. När juldagsmorgon glimmar (Melody from Germany) | 2´43 |
8. Trettondagsmotett (Wolfgang Reisinger) | 3´56 |
9. Marias vaggsång (Max Reger) | 2´34 |
10. Ave Maria from Vesper (Sergej Rachmaninov) | 3´16 |
11. Gloria from Missa Papae Marcelli (G P da Palestrina) | 4´05 |
12. Nu tändas tusen juleljus (Emmy Köhler) | 1´52 |
13. Jul, jul strålande jul(Gustaf Nordqvist) | 3´11 |
14. Gläns över sjö och strand (Ivar Widéen) | 1´57 |
15. Skattskrivning med förhinder (Jan Åke Hillerud) | 24´32 |
16. Det lyser en stjärna (Swedish folk melody) | 2´03 |
total: 63´11 |
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