nosagcd 099 - MUSIK TILL GLÄDJE 2004 /
/ MUSIC FOR JOY 2004 (FIM CD 04-1)

"Musik till glädje 2004", a unique recording where all the benefit goes to the Swedish help organisation Radiohjälpen´s campaign for collecting money for Världens Barn / Children of the World, supporting children in need all over the world.

On this rich, almost 80 minutes filled CD, master flutists from the Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra, and the Orchestra of the Royal Opera of Stockholm Andreas Alin, Jan Bengtson, Stig Bengtson, Bengt Christiansson and Eje Kaufelt plays together with free lance soloists Peter Lindblom, Kinga Práda, Björn Rapp and Mats Rodius. The organist of Sollentuna St Erik´s church Per Olsson and an Ensemble from Music School Lilla Akademien completes this interesting production containing music by Inge Ingemarson, Filip Olson, J.J. Quantz, J.S.Bach, Mats Rodius, F. Chopin, Moses Pergament, E.Grieg, L.E.Larsson, Stellan Sagvik, Erland von Koch and Jaques Ibèrt.

This CD is produced in collaboration with Mats Rodius and FIM, Föreningen Ideell Musik (The Society for Idealistic Music), working with collecting support money to different help projects all around the world.

You need Real Audio to listen to this file:
Rodius: Världssamfundet
Ingemarson: from Ornösvit
Ibèrt: Entr´act

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CONTENTS: The Music on "Musik till glädje 2004" nosag CD099:

(Inge Ingemarson)
3´06   1. Gånglåt
3´38   2. Vid kyrkan
0´56   3. Ornövisan (melodi: Filip Olson)
1´41   4. Liten Polska
Duett nr 5 i D dur,
ur opus 2 (J.J. Quantz)
3´08   5. Allegro
4´04   6. Mesto
3´24   7: Allegro di molto
Tre Bach-koraler
1´08   8. Si natten flyr för dagens fröjd
1´12   9. Ande full av nåde
1´05   10. Allena Gud i himmelrik
Tre Flöjtensembler
(Mats Rodius)
2´35   11. Trio-96 Till Kristus
4´19   12. Liten flöjtduett av medlidande till alla jordevarelser
5´18   13. Trio-97 Till Familjen och FIM-flöjtisterna
Tre musikhistoriska
14´28   14. Passacaglia i c moll (J.S.Bach)
1´54   15. Menuett i g moll (J.S.Bach)
1´24   16. Preludium 3 i c moll (F. Chopin)
Fyra flöjtsolister från FIM
2´06   17. Andreas Alin: Elegi, ur flöjtsonat (Moses Pergament)
4´46   18. Jan Bengtson: Morgonstämning, ur Peer Gynt (E.Grieg)
1´49   19. Stig Bengtson: Intermezzo, ur En Vintersaga (L.E.Larsson)
2´18   20. Kinga Práda: Mars, ur Solar Plexus (Stellan Sagvik)
Den nya generationen
1´29   21. Marcia Popular (Erland von Koch)
2´32   22. Världssamfundet (Mats Rodius)
3´27   23. Azúur (Stellan Sagvik)
3´55   24. Kristi medlidande (Mats Rodius)
4´03   25. Entr´act (Jaques Ibèrt)
durata 79´32

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All recordings made available on these pages are done so with permission from STIM (The Swedish Performance Rights Society) and NCB (Nordic Copyright Bureau). They are protected by © copyright and any unauthorized use of the present soundfiles will be prosecuted. If you have any questions in this matter please visit STIM/NCB's website or contact us.