This CD is a document over the Swedish choir Nicolai Kammarkör long tradition of concerts around Christmas and Advent. Every year for 30 years the choir and its leader Christian Ljunggren presented a varied program of Sacred songs and other music connected with the Advent time. The program for this CD is a selection of pieces sung through the years and the recordings are from different concerts during the whole period 1980-2009, with several great guest soloists and ensembles.
Listen to all nosag CDs on the air: |
1. | Christian Ljunggren (arr): Gläd dig du Kristi brud, folklig koral | 3’00 |
2. | Georg Friedrich Händel (arr. Anders Öhrwall): Dotter Sion | 2’55 |
3. | Georg Friedrich Händel (arr. Christian Ljunggren): Dagen är nära | 3’45 |
4. | Ludvig Norman: Rosa Rorans bonitatem | 7’15 |
5. | Michael Thorn (f. 1950): Dance Piece | 5’20 |
6. | Johann Christian Bach: Magnificat | 5’25 |
7. | Anders Öhrwall (arr): Gammal fäbodpsalm, folklig koral | 4’45 |
8. | Anders Öhrwall (arr): Nu haver denna dag, folklig koral | 3’10 |
9. | Johann Sebastian Bach:”Gloria patri” ur Kantat nr 191 | 4’42 |
10. | Staffan Biörklund-Jullander: Improvisation över ”Bereden väg för Herran” (SvPs 103) | 6’15 |
11. | Anders Öhrwall (arr): Bereden väg för Herran, folklig koral | 3’15 |
12. | Abbé Vogler: Hosianna | 1’55 |
13. | Felix Mendelssohn: Hear my Prayer | 10’25 |
14. | César Cui (1835-1918): Jungfru Maria lovsång | 9’45 |
15. | Cyrillus Kreek, (arr) (1889-1962): Mu süda ärka üles | 1’40 |
16. | Cyrillus Kreek (arr): Kuis pean vastu vötma | 1’20 |
17. | Otto Olsson (1879-1964): Advent | 3’20 |
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