This is the first volume of a complete edition on CD of Piano Preludes by Swedish composer Johan Hammerth. The composer himself writes about his preludes: "The Prelude genre appeals to me - free, however yet structure and thought. Schostakovich´s preludes and fugues are something I often study, and it was because of the discovery of this music I decided to compose piano preludes. 1999 I wrote 24 preludes. This has given me a taste for more, I keep on going, I have to, an ongoing process. The first 24 Preludes emanate from four basic moods, with six different expressions. Some of them have an affinity with each other. Prelude 25-32 are original compositions for the left hand, dedicated to Thomas Tranströmer; moods that draws heavily on the great poet’s lyricism. These pieces I play almost daily, with both hands. So here is a choice. While I am today (Dec. 2010) getting close to prelude 48, composing preludes is as inspiring as at the start in 1999. It’s been 11 years since I wrote Prelude 1 and probably these cycles are contributing to my development and, above all, my relationship deepened with my own instrument, the piano, and today I can barely imagine life without a new prelude." The virtuoso pianist Stefan Lindgren, also a composer - very handy when it comes to interpreting complicated works by a collegue - plays 17 of the 48 preludes on this CD. On Volume 2 (nosag CD194b), released in the Spring of 2011, another 12 preludes are recorded - among them two written in 2011!
Listen to all nosag CDs on the air: |
1 | Preludium 1 1999 | 4´53 |
2 | Preludium 3 1999 | 5´12 |
3 | Preludium 5 1999 | 6´41 |
4 | Preludium 7 1999 | 4´40 |
5 | Preludium 8 1999 | 3´50 |
6 | Preludium 11 1999 | 3´50 |
7 | Preludium 12 1999 | 4´36 |
8 | Preludium 25 2008 | 3´48 |
9 | Preludium 26 2008 | 3´31 |
10 | Preludium 27 2008 | 5´43 |
11 | Preludium 28 2008 | 4´16 |
12 | Preludium 30 2008 | 3´55 |
13 | Preludium 31 2008 | 6´42 |
14 | Preludium 32 2008 | 4´00 |
15 | Preludium 33 2010 | 5´31 |
16 | Preludium 34 2010 | 4´37 |
17 | Preludium 36 2010 | 3´38 |
total 79´25 |
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