nosag CD 011 | Four Films Forchestra, orchestral pieces by Stellan Sagvik | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD 012 | From Bach´s B minor Mass, with Hägersten Motet Choir | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD 016 | Olle Bodén, a Church Musicians´s Life | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD 017 | Missa Maria Magdalena, Mass with big orchestra by Stellan Sagvik (also available from our Special Items Shop ) (New Release nosag CD 137) | SEK 100:- |
nosagCD2027 | The Messiah, Storkyrkan Choir, Orchestra and soloists (2CDs) | SEK 180:- |
nosag CD2028 | Stellan Sagvik - landskap (2CDs, Single Price) | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD 041 | Dag Wiréns Gyckeldans, with Jan Bengtson, DalaSinfoniettan/Stefan Karpe | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD 053 | Csaba Deák: Anémones de Felix | SEK 130:- |
| ALL CDs SEK 130 if not otherwise stated - Back to Top
nosag CD 060 | Bergslagsbilder/Pictures from Bergslagen, with Bergslagen Symphonics | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD 064 | Förklädd Gud/God in Disguise | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD 085 | STOCKHOLM WIND SYMPHONY Swedish Wind | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD 093 | STEVE DOBROGOSZ: Requiem / Te Deum | SEK 130:- |
| ALL CDs SEK 130 if not otherwise stated - Back to Top | |
nosag CD 120 | ÅSHILLD HENRIKSEN Favourites for Horn and Orchestra | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD 123 | PRÁDA / SPARF - Nukonserter | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD 125 | STEVE DOBROGOSZ - When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom´d | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD 137 | STELLAN SAGVIK - Missa Maria Magdalena | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD 162 | André Chini - eallin |  SEK 130:- |
nosag CD 175 | Stellan Sagvik - Orchestrala Manoeverar 1 | SEK 100:- |
nosag CD 176 | Stellan Sagvik - Orchestrala Manoeverar 2 | SEK 100:- |
| ALL CDs SEK 130 if not otherwise stated - Back to Top
nosag CD 183 | Stellan Sagvik - Symphonies 1-3 | SEK 100:- |
nosag OT109 | KAMMARKÖREN SVENSKA RÖSTER BACH: The six Motets | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD AIVCD 001 | STRINGS FROM GOTHENBURG OPERA Souvenirer | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD AIVCD002 | STRINGS FROM GOTHENBURG OPERA Souveniere från Västsverige (CD+DVD) | SEK 130:- |
nosag CD AIVCD 003 | STRINGS FROM GOTHENBURG OPERA Souvenirs from Concerts in 1974 | SEK 130:- |
ALL CDs SEK 130 if not otherwise stated - Back to Top